Saturday, August 30, 2014

Meet the Author

Hello everyone! How about I 
Me and my furry teaching assistant, Molly
introduce myself? My name is Amanda and I was born and raised in Eagle, Idaho. I was brought up as a Catholic and attended Catholic school for 17 years of my life. Every Sunday, I attended Mass with my mom. First, at Saint Matthew’s church in Eagle followed by Holy Apostles in Meridian.

If you guessed by now that my faith plays a large role in my life, you’d be right. However, it is not for the reason you might think. Church was the place where I had my first experience as a mentor. As a child, my mother enrolled me in the church’s annual vacation bible school. I did this every year until I was old enough to be a crew leader, someone who mentors a group of campers and leads them to each of their activities for the day. I greatly enjoyed this experience and looked forward to coming back year after year for as long as I possibly could.

Afterwards, I went on to college and participated in a variety of other teaching roles and was constantly told I would “make a good teacher” by friends and professors. However, I had never seriously considered teaching as a profession. It wasn’t until my Graduate school experience in the Geosciences that I realized I was much more passionate about teaching science than I was about doing it. The rest is history. I am now currently enrolled at Boise State University pursuing a Graduate Certificate in Secondary/K-12 Teaching and plan on being a High School Earth Science Teacher. I am very excited about this new path in my life and only hope that I will inspire my students as much as they inspire me.

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