Friday, September 26, 2014

Lesson #5: Socrative

So today we're going to explore a web tool called Socrative. Basically it's a website where teachers can create their own quizzes (multiple choice, short answer, or true/false) and have their students access them via computer, tablet, or even smart phone. Teachers can also view a live feed of their students answers as they complete the quiz!

Having tried out this technology for myself, I highly recommend it for several reasons:

1. Freedom. Socrative allows students the freedom to access the quiz from anywhere at any time, making it a super-useful, super-accessible teaching tool for the digital age.

2. Teacher- and student-paced modes. In teacher-paced made, the teacher can choose when to make questions available (e.g. as content is covered). In student-paced mode, students have complete access to all questions and can pick-and-choose what questions they want to answer at their own pace. Sounds like a win-win to me!

3. Instant feedback. As students complete the quiz, you can see what questions they got wrong and their overall percentage. In addition, you can also see when multiple students are having trouble with a particular question. This can tell you what concepts you need to go back and review or, in my case, tells you when a question is unclear or contains errors.

That's basically it in a nutshell. Now go try it for yourself!

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